Privacy Policy


The website was created and is hosted by MapYourDream.

In the context of its activity, the company MapYourDream, whose head office is located at 5 bis Rue Belfort, 65000 Tarbes, France, is required to collect and process information, some of which are qualified as “personal data”. MapYourDream attaches great importance to the respect of privacy, and only uses data in a responsible and confidential manner and for a specific purpose.

Personal data

On the website, there are 2 types of data that can be collected:

Data transmitted directly

These data are those that you transmit to us directly, via a contact form or by direct contact by email. The fields “first name and surname” and “email” are mandatory in the contact form.

Data collected automatically

During your visits, once you have given your consent, we may collect “web analytics” type information relating to your browsing, the duration of your visit, your IP address, your browser type and version. The technology used is a solution named Matomo.

Use of the data

The data that you send us directly are used to contact you again and/or in the context of the request that you make to us. Web analytics data is collected anonymously (by logging anonymous IP addresses) by Matomo and allows us to measure our website’s audience, visits and possible errors in order to constantly improve the user experience. This data is used by MapYourDream, the data controller, and will never be given to a third party or used for any other purpose than those detailed above.

Legal basis

Personal data are collected only after mandatory consent of the user. This consent is validly collected (buttons and check boxes), free, clear and unequivocal.

Storage time

The data will be saved for a maximum of 3 years.


We do not use cookies during your visit to

Your rights regarding personal data

You have the right to access, modify or delete all your personal data. You can also withdraw your consent to the processing of your data.

Contact data protection officer

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